summer, I couldn’t cast if there was even a threat of rain because molten
aluminum explodes when water contacts it. So I’ve done a lot of casting in
these past few weeks to finally cast the shifters for our wonderful Kickstarter supporters. These supporters contributed
a full year ago, making this project possible. I’m sure appreciative of their
patience waiting for their collector shift levers from Mold #1!
only am I finally sending these shifters out to our supporters, this ramped-up
production offered some fun photo ops. Here’s a pile of shift lever parts in
various stages of assembly, some still stuck to the extra aluminum from the
mold sprues, others ready for assembly, others assembled ->
these casting days stretched into the night, which wasn’t my preference, but at
least I was treated to an incredible light show every time the melt was ready
to pour – check out that neon pink!:
a photo of today’s assembly line as I prepared to assemble a batch:
still got several batches to go before all of our Kickstarter
backers are taken care of. This has been a great reminder of how many fabulous
folks stepped up to make this project possible. A huge thanks to all of you!
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